Folks, please share this with as many anglers as you can. You have seen other posts of mine from last year when I received an e-mail survey from a Plymouth State student doing a thesis and was gathering data on how the proposed lead ban legislation would affect NH Anglers. A little research showed that this student (Melissa Leszek) to be affiliated with the LPC as well, it also revealed that she obtained my contact info from NH F&G (without my permission mind you) and I was told by Executive Director Normandeau that this was a small/random selection of anglers. Well Ms. Leszek's thesis came out and lo and behold, she received a database with 20,000 NH Anglers information and 10,000 non-resident's information to select her "small/random" group from. I am disgusted that NH F&G violated my privacy and legal rights by giving out this information.
Please share this and get the word out to as many people as you can. I have notified Gov. Hassan's office and the NH Attorney General.
Attached is a Dropbox link to the thesis for your review -
Also, I ask that you call Executive Director Normandeau and express your feelings regarding your personal information (name, address, email, etc...) being made available to someone that does not work for F&G - Executive Director's Office (603) 271-3511
Lastly, if you would like to contact Ms. Leszek for any reason regarding the data, her contact info is -
Melissa Leszek
M.S. Environmental Science and Policy, 2015
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH
(814) 490-9695